It is generally considered a good thing to have courage and
convictions. ‘She is a woman of great conviction’ or ‘He is a most courageous
man’ or even ‘He has the courage of his convictions’ which rather neatly ties
the two qualities together.
And, in general, I would tend to agree.
In particular, good leaders need both courage and
conviction. A political leader lacking in either quality ends up being weak,
which is how many of our present political leaders are regarded.
This applies to military leaders too. A good general is one
who has courage, but will also need conviction. In the heat of battle there is no
time for convening a meeting, discussing the options and delaying a decision
until a consensus is reached.
And, of course, conviction and courage are also desirable
qualities in church leaders. Ministers need to be women and men of conviction
and they also need courage. Decisions are not always easy, nor are they always universally
popular! That much is self-evident.
A good minister will sometimes need to express their convictions
strongly and have the courage to stick by them, the courage to express them clearly
and honestly, the courage to stand firm when opposition and resistance are experienced,
and even the courage to put up with threats of leaving the congregation
or the actuality of members lifting their lines and going elsewhere.
This is never easy and rarely enjoyable, but that is where conviction and
courage come into play.
But I wonder if sometimes what some of us ministers imagine
is courage and conviction is in fact something rather more self-indulgent and a
good deal less commendable. Stubbornness, arrogance, cockiness and rigid unbending
certainty can occur too. And we can convince ourselves that we are being people
of conviction and courage when in fact we are simply being brash, belligerent or
even bullying.
We need courage. We need the courage of our convictions. But
we also need the courage to care, the courage to listen, the courage to admit
when we got it wrong, and the courage to change our minds. And while we will
all value and respect firm convictions honestly held and will wish to stick by
our convictions, there will be a time when true courage in revealed in
Courage brother, courage sister, do not stumble... in God and do the right.
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